In-Hall/Central Location Tests

Respondents befitting the target criteria are invited to a central location

Surveys conducted using this methodology are;

  • 1     Concept tests

    As a brand manager you may need to test the concepts with respect to product packaging, labelling, pricing, etc. Our central location testing will provide you with all the answers.

  • 2     Product Evaluation/ Tests

    Products need to be evaluated for taste, pricing, likeability, preference, etc. among the competitive set or variants. Whatever you want to test, our standardized monadic /paired comparison systems guarantee better results.

  • 3     Ad-testing

    Advertising costs money, and advertising doesn’t always work. Ads are normally tested before launch. Whether you are testing the ad for be it memorability, likes and dislikes, message takeout, ability to cut through the clutter, CLT will guarantee the creative team some insights they had not anticipated before.


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