
Majority of research agencies want to concentrate on providing actionable insights to their clients and hence leave little room for managing support functions such as charting. Likewise, it is inefficient for FMCGs to have teams in-house who’s job is to turn mountains of data to charts. We at Neotrends Research Africa have an experienced charting team that has a fine touch for graphics and we offer charting as a support function to these research agencies and FMCGs. Just like data processing our key quality control in charting herein;

  • The charting team attends a briefing session held by the client liaison person in charge of the project
  • In situations where the charting team and client liaison seat in separate countries, a separate briefing session is organized via cloud
  • The brief is both verbal and written.
  • The brief have full instructions on;
    1. Questions(Variables) to be charted.
    2. Type of charts needed – Bar, Pie, line, bubble, radar, etc.
    3. Titles for charts.
    4. Font and Font Sizes to be used for both body and titles.

Post charting, the charting manager reviews the charts with a toothcomb against the brief before sharing with the client.


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